Monday, April 13, 2009

Egg dying and tornado warnings

On Good Friday we dyed eggs with our friends the McDonalds. The kids LOVED dying eggs, especially the girls. The boys don't have enough patience to sit through the dying of four dozen eggs. As we were wrapping up, the weather began to turn bad. We all ended up in the basement waiting out a tornado warning with no power. And just in time for the tornado warning, more friends arrived to wait it out with us. It was quite an adventure to be in such a small space with a three year old, a four year old and two dramatic six year olds, but we all survived, and fortunately we survived without any damage to our home or vehicles. Many people in our area could not say the same. A nearby house was damaged by a huge tree that fell through its roof. Please remember this family in your prayers as they will be out of their home for several months.

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