Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Vacation

We're baaaack! Well, sort of. It's been a while, but for good reason ... we've been busy. Just when I thought things were going to slow down, it seems as if they've sped up. With two children, and yes I know people survive with many more, the days just aren't long enough. So far this summer we've enjoyed:

  • Picnics with friends

  • Birthdays (my nephew's, papaw's and R's birthdays)

  • Art Camp (K. only)
  • A trip to the beach for me with friends (and no children!)

  • New hair cuts (Preston got a mohawk that lasted a week - he wasn't a fan, but it was CUTE!)

  • Most weekends in the pool at Mimi's & Poppy's
  • Nine more days at the beach (five spent with the entire Armstrong family) - another post and 700 pictures more later, just kidding, I won't post all 700

  • Short trips to see friends
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Spending time as a family
Hope you too are having a great summer. Here we only have one more week until school begins for K. and another month until P. starts preschool (and I have an emotional breakdown). We plan to have as much fun as possible until then ...