Friday, February 15, 2008


Lori tagged me, B., to list six of my "quirks/random habits." Here they are:

1. I'm a neat freak, to the point where I drive my family crazy and my husband says, "please tell me you're not in that mood." Meaning: please don't go all psycho on us about cleaning up our messes. I'm forever picking up things and putting things away, to the point that some days I can't even sit down and relax. I'm working on would be a good example of my trying to improve. The house is a wreck and I'm on the computer.

2. I bite my nails. It's disgusting, I know. And I'm such a freak about germs, yet I can't stop. Oh, and it absolutely disgusts me to see others bite their nails. I gave up biting my nails for Lent, it's one of the hardest things for me, in hopes of stopping for good. I've tried this before; it didn't work.

3. I love to read blogs. All sorts, but especially cooking and home improvement ones. I stay up at night reading them. Am I a weirdo?

4. To go along with the home improvement blogs, I often visit Lowe's and pick out paint colors and new counters for my kitchen and bathrooms, even though I have no intentions of painting or replacing the counters. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to do those things, but with little time or extra money to put towards most of those projects, I don't. So I just spend a lot of wasted time thinking about it. ;-)

5. Back to the germ thing...I wash my hands at least 10 times while preparing supper, in addition to the 1,000 other times a day that I'm washing or using hand sanitizer. My skin is often flaking off, cracking and peeling from my excessive handwashing and from over use of hand sanitizer. I even buy expensive, so-called "healing" lotions, but I tend to wash them off before they have time to work.

6. I don't like to talk on the phone, but I call Lori almost every Friday and talk (or listen to John) for at least 45 minutes. And in this time period I'll say "I'm going to let you go" at least three times, but I continue to talk. Lori is a good listener, guess she'd have to be to be my friend (as most of you know, I'm chatty, to say the least).

Hope you guys don't think I'm too strange...

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